Question Attach File Name o Company * Surname * VAT identification number * P.IVA Address * City * ZIP Code * Country * E-mail * Phone Fax Next INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR CONSENT UNDER ARTICLES 13 AND 23 OF THE CODE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA (D. LGS. No. 196/2003) With regard to the personal data, which the Law Firm of Attorney Lorena Di Giambattista acquires with the entrustment of your case, the data Controller informs you as follows: 1. Purpose of data processing. The treatment is designed only to the full and correct accomplishment of the tasks assigned, both in judicial and extrajudicial field. 2. Methods of data processing. a) The treatment can be done with or without the use of electronic or automated methods; b) data processing is done by the Holder. 3. Submission of data. The submission of personal data, sensitive data and judicial records is necessary for the purposes of conducting the activities referred to in point 1. 4. Refusal to provide data. Any refusal to give personal information in the case referred to in paragraph 3 makes it impossible to accomplish the activities referred to in point 1. 5. Communication of data. Personal data can be disclosed to those responsible for treatment; they can be disclosed for the purposes of point 1 to external collaborators, professionals in the judiciary and legal practice, to colleges of arbitrators and, more generally, to every public and private individual to whom communication is necessary for the proper fulfilment of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1. 6. Dissemination of data. Personal data are not disclosed. 7. Transfer of data abroad. Personal data may be transferred to EU countries and to other countries for the purposes of paragraph 1. 8. Rights. Article 7 of the Code grants certain rights, such as being informed in an intelligible form on the existence and on the type of their personal data; the person concerned has the right to know source of data, scope and modalities of treatment, the methods applied to the treatment, the identity of the holder and of the persons to whom the data may be disclosed. The person concerned has the right to obtain updating, rectification and data integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form and blocking of data handled in breach of the law. The holder has the right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the data processing. 9. Data Holder. Data processing is made by the Holder. The data Holder and data Controller is the lawyer Lorena Di Giambattista with address in Teramo, Piazza Martiri della Libertà 21. You are kindly requested to express your written consent to data treatment and to their communication or circulation, as well as your commitment to inform immediately the Firm of any changes of information provided. Consent to treatment * Terms of Service The legal opinion will be sent via e-mail, together with the invoice, within 2 working days after receipt of payment. In the case of particularly complex requests, insufficient description of the facts for the formulation of the legal opinion or questions bearing several legal issues, the Firm shall promptly inform the Client about the conditions for providing the professional service and ask for necessary information. In any case, the service is rendered on the basis of the information provided. The Client may request clarifications on the legal opinion without any additional cost. In this case, he shall not ask questions which were not included in the first request for legal advice. If the requested clarifications represent, in the Firm’s view, new questions, the Client will be promptly informed, so that he can freely decide whether he would like to receive a second legal opinion. The firm cannot be held liable in any way for damages that may result to the Client or others from misuse of the opinion, advice or any other information or legal service however provided. The personal data will be treated with the guarantees of confidentiality laid down by the legislation in force and they will not in any way be transferred to third parties. In case of dispute between the Client and the Firm, the applicable law is that of the Italian State and the jurisdiction is recognized, exclusively, to the Court of Teramo. Submitting a request for legal advice implies acceptance of all terms and conditions of service. Acceptance of Terms * Payment Invia Richiesta Back Please turn on javascript to submit your data. Thank you!